Friday 8 July 2011

Magic Sunshine

As you can see from this picture of Emma Watson facing the cameras in Trafalgar Square yesterday, the sun finally emerged as if by magic for the stars of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Bedraggled muggles could lower their umbrellas for the emotional farewell (title link). Author J.K. Rowling (below, left) managed to outshine the stars she helped to make. When she sold the film rights of the Harry Potter books, she insisted that they be shot in Britain using British acting and technical talent. Our film industry owes her a debt of gratitude. The Telegraph has posted 46 photos of the event (CLICK). It was good to see Afshan Azad (below, right) among those attending the premiere. She, you may recall was attacked by her brother, punched, strangled, threatened with death, verbally abused by her father as well as by her brother, all because her boyfriend was Hindu, not Muslim. Her brother, Ashraf Azad, was jailed for six months in January this year (CLICK).


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