Friday 4 January 2013

Malala Discharged

Malala Yousafzai, the 15-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl shot in the head by an Islamic thug for promoting secularism, has been discharged from Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham as an inpatient. She still needs cranial reconstructive surgery, but will spend a few weeks with her family first. Her father has been appointed education attache at the Consulate of Pakistan in Birmingham for at least three years, so he can set up a home for his family (CLICK).


At 5/1/13, Anonymous Dr Love said...

Tht's great & cool ...Anthr braveheart gal saved by the doctors..Happy to hear ..Hats off !!
Hearing one gud news tis year starting
Wish u all the best Malala

At 5/1/13, Blogger Unknown said...

Good news indeed.


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