Monday 22 July 2013

Kieron's Latest Show

Here's one of the latest paintings by junior landscape artist Kieron Williamson, nicknamed the "Mini Monet", After The Snow, Trunch. He is now 10 years old. His latest show at the Picturecraft Gallery Exhibition Centre in Holt, Norfolk, opened on Friday and promptly sold out, but the exhibition runs until 31 July. To buy one of Kieron's paintings, you need to fill in a form and make your bid in advance of the exhibition (CLICK). Collectors from New York, South Africa and China are queueing to invest in his works, some of which are now in the Royal Collection (CLICK).


At 22/7/13, Blogger Unknown said...

He just keeps in getting better and better. Please keep posting about him. Thank you.

At 22/7/13, Blogger Unknown said...

Will do.


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