Saturday 7 July 2007

Pierre & Gilles

Photo: Pierre & Gilles - The Madonna in the Middle Casualty (1991)Have you ever seen a more ridiculous, over-the-top Madonna? For 30 years a couple of French photographers have been churning out contrived, camp, studio photos like this, struggling to be arty but never quite making it. Young men posing as Greek gods or Christian saints feature strongly in their work. It's all a bit daft, but Jeu de Paume Concorde in Paris is giving these two a major retrospective: Pierre et Gilles, Double Je. There are 120 of their photos on display until 23 September 2007.


At 7/7/07, Blogger jafabrit said...

At first I thought it was that cool religious kitsch you get in Mexico or in the Mexican shops/markets in San Antonio.

At 8/7/07, Blogger Unknown said...

I know what you mean. The Mexicans probably got those OTT Madonnas from Spain and added a bit more for good measure. But no, it's French camp. Every so often when I search for Saint Sebastian or whatever, I come across these two characters. Maybe their photos are tongue-in-cheek, but I don't think so. Too contrived and arty-farty.


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