Sunday 9 August 2009

Butterfly Art

The Woodland Trust is seeking a venue in which to display the winning entries of its Nature Detectives art competition 2009 for children, the subject butterflies. It received 18,300 entries. I particularly liked these two, neither of which won, although both were commended by the judges. On the left is an entry in the Pattern Category from Jamie Irving, aged 11. His bold design works well against a lightly sketched leaf. On the right is an entry in the Symmetry Category from Tom Berry, aged 9. If you look closely at Tom's butterfly, you'll see that it's made up of smaller butterflies, a clever idea from a 9-year-old. Click the title link to see more youngsters' butterflies. If you know of a suitable venue to host the winning art, email
I would have thought the Natural History Museum in London the perfect venue, because it boasts a new Butterfly Jungle.


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