Sunday 26 June 2011

Twombly and Poussin

On 29 June the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London opens Twombly and Poussin: Arcadian Painters, a unique exhibition which will look at these two artists side by side for the first time (title link). What on earth has Cy Twombly's twaddle got to do with Nicolas Poussin's art? At £9 adults and £8 silver surfers - more if you book online -, I'm not going to bother to learn more. This is despite the exhibition including five of the remaining paintings of Poussin’s first series of the Seven Sacraments (1637-1642). Shown above is Poussin's Rinaldo and Armida (c. 1630). Did Rinaldo faint when Armida's breasts flopped out of her blouse? Or was it the sight of that dagger in her hand? CLICK to find out.


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