Saturday 22 October 2011

St Paul's Occupied

If you're thinking of visiting St Paul's Cathedral, forget it. The Occupy London Stock Exchange (OccupyLSX) protesters have been camped in the churchyard for a week and have refused to leave. Their banner reads "CAPITALISM IS CRISIS". Originally the Canon of St Paul's, Reverend Giles Fraser, welcomed them (CLICK); but Dean Knowles closed the cathedral on Friday for the first time since WWII, due to concerns about health and safety. One wedding was allowed to take place today, but the bride had to enter by a side door. The protesters are now occupying Finsbury Square as well as St Paul's churchyard (title link). I don't suppose the fat cats in The City are bothered by all this, but it's costing St Paul's £16,000 a day in lost tourism revenue and that doesn't cover the £20,000 daily cost of running the place.


At 23/10/11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why St. Paul's?...Surely a protest in front of a financial/governmental structure?

At 23/10/11, Blogger Unknown said...

They originally started their protest outside the London Stock Exchange (Occupy London Stock EXchange), but the police moved them on, so they settled outside St Paul's instead. The police started to move them on again, but the Canon intervened and let them stay. I bet he's regretting that now. What a whoopsie!


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