Tuesday 19 August 2014

Indian Parsi

This photo captures the old and the new. An Indian Parsi devotee chats on her mobile phone after praying at a fire temple on the Parsi New Year Navroze, in Mumbai. People accept new technology, but refuse to shed their outmoded faiths. The Parsi are followers of Zoroastrianism. They exist mainly in Mumbai as a small religious community, having fled Muslim persecution in Iran (formerly Persia) during the 7th century. There is nothing new about the recent Islamic atrocities, causing Yazidi and Christians and even non-Sunni Muslims to flee in terror. The sooner the world abandons the insanity of religion the better. Today is World Humanitarian Day 2014. A service in Westminster Abbey will commemorating those hundreds of aid workers who have died while serving humanity (CLICK). Why hold this commemoration in a religious place?


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