Saturday, 20 December 2014

GOP American?

North Korea has reiterated its denial that it hacked Sony Pictures and has offered to hold a joint inquiry with the United States. One wonders who the FBI water boarded to point the flying finger of blame at Kim Jong-un. We know he's miffed, but the possibility that the hacking code was written on a PC with North Korean locale is no smoking gun. Hackers can relocate computers in cyberspace. The #GOP graphic with its gruesome image and its command of English makes it far less likely that the perpetrator was a nation state. It looks the sort of image the Hells Angels might dream up. I'm not suggesting the hackers are Hells Angels, but that America could be the source of the code. Sony has miffed a lot of music fans with its software protection of CDs, and in 2011 hacking group Anonymous launched a campaign to crash the PlayStation Network. So, domestic revenge looks favourite (CLICK).


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