Saturday 25 July 2009

Henry Allingham

This is Dan Llywelyn Hall's study for a portrait of veteran Henry Allingham, who died recently at the age of 113, the world's oldest man. The finished work will be shown in a BBC documentary. When I read the BBC News article (title link) I thought "I've read this before somewhere". Not quite. In April I posted Peter Kuhfeld's portrait of Harry Patch (CLICK) and linked to the BBC News article about that portrait. The two news items and the sentiments expressed by both artists are so similar as to produce a feeling of déjà vu. Mr Allingham will be given full military honours when his funeral takes place at St Nicholas Church in Brighton on 30 July.


At 25/7/09, Blogger weggis said...

Harry Patch died today.

You are a jinx.

At 25/7/09, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Weggis

I saw the news. What a coincidence!


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