Saturday, 8 July 2006

The Art of Despair

Albert Oehlen - Er...
The Whitechapel Art Gallery in London's East End chose to mark 7/7 by opening an exhibition by the German King of Anti Art: Albert Oehlen - I Will Always Champion Good Paintings, an ironic title if ever I saw one. Oehlen is obviously so paranoid about being accused of chocolate-boxy art that he has contrived a "deliberately ugly anti-aesthetic". In other words he paints depressing tripe. The above illustration connects with my previous 7/7 blog in three ways. 1) It shows the decadent West, despairing of ever achieving great art, disappearing up its own rectum in search of the ultimate futility, just like Al-Ghurabaa does. 2) It makes me feel alienated from my own culture, just as Fundamentalists are alienated from it. 3) It presents a sad picture of wasted human life: Oehlen will never fulfil his repressed desire to become a great painter, just as members of Al-Ghurabaa will never fulfil their repressed desires to become gay. Shun this offensive, mentally sick tripe at all costs.


At 8/7/06, Blogger weggis said...

Eh? What is it supposed to be?
I am underwhelmed.

At 8/7/06, Blogger Unknown said...

It's his rebellion against line and form and structure and balance and colour and aesthetics. Can't you see all that? Dunno what the title is, though.


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