Friday 15 December 2006

Bouguereau: Game Copy

Bouguereau's Angels (left) Game Screenshot (right)A new furore has broken out over a warmongering Christian video game Left Behind: Eternal Forces, which is being marketed through US churches. It leads to "dehumanisation of the feared other..." claims an opponent of the game, "a first step towards genocide". Not to be outdone in religious video violence, The Global Islamic Media Front has released a game called Quest for Bush, in which the object is to assassinate the US president. The Christmas market certainly brings them out, doesn't it? (Click the title link to read the full story.) Nobody at the BBC seems to have noticed that the game screenshot which depicts angels carrying a Christian to Heaven is a ripoff of William Bouguereau's Une Ame au ciel (1878), but what does the Beeb know about art?


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