Tuesday 30 January 2007

No London Super Casino

Single Zero Roulette WheelHere's good news: London's bid for the UK's first super casino lost out to Manchester. Great! Let Manchurians have all the crime, gambling addiction, suicide and other social problems that go with a huge casino fleecing the punters. Greenwich's Chamber of Commerce leader Steve Nelson is disappointed. So are the owners of the Millennium Dome. And so is Mayor Red Ken! He's rejoined New Labour with a vengeance. "Make the rich richer and the poor poorer" is their motto. Now all we need to do is get rid of the damned Olympics....


At 31/1/07, Blogger Tony Morris said...

I totally agree. The preoccupation that this government, supported by the opposition, has with this, when there are important social issuesd to look at is staggering.

At 31/1/07, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks, Tony.
It's good to know that I'm not the only person who is beginning to suspect we have 2 Tory parties competing for the votes of Big Business. The way they're going, neither of them is going to gain my vote.

At 31/1/07, Blogger weggis said...

Looky here.


don't forget to scroll to the bottom

At 31/1/07, Blogger Unknown said...

Yup. That looks about right: Tories and New Labour neck and neck in the Fascist/Neo-Liberalist quarter; Liberals coming up behind them from the Anarchy/Neo-Liberalist quarter; the Greens dithering between Anarchy and Communism; and the BNP just ahead of and slightly to the left of New Labour and the Tories in the Fascist Stakes. Big question is: Where are the Nihilists? (That's my party when I'm not being apolitical.) Religious nutters, political correctness and global warming are the three greatest threats to humanity. Secularizing our schools is the first step toward tackling all three. (Getting rid of religion will stop lots of explosions and vast quantities of hot air.)

At 1/2/07, Blogger weggis said...

So do the test, and see with whom you are associated.
Could be embarassing mind!

At 1/2/07, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm too apathetic. I should have mentioned that. I'm an apolitical, apathetic, nihilistic floating voter. So there! If I could be bothered, I'd start the AANFV Party, but we'd end up being a bunch of liars like the rest of them. Did I mention disillusioned?


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