Wednesday 10 October 2007

Doris's Crack Plunge!

Doris Salcedo - Shibboleth 2007It's happened! Two visitors to Tate Modern's idiotic anti-art installation in the Turbine Hall have already fallen into Doris's Crack. What did Coxsoft Art News predict two days ago? (CLICK.) The pair weren't seriously injured, but that's not the point. Sooner or later, somebody will be badly injured. Note: the BBC primly remarks that Salcedo's Shibboleth 2007 has been 'informally renamed "Doris's Crack"'. And who coined that name two days ago? Yours truly. Nice to know somebody is reading my stuff at the Beeb.


At 10/10/07, Blogger weggis said...

I suggest they put some of the exhibits in there before they cement it over.

Why not do a poll for suggestions?

At 10/10/07, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Weggis

Why not put Nick and Doris in it? That would be a major service to art.

I haven't done a poll. Not sure how to go about it, but I think I've seen an icon or something for it.


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