Friday 8 February 2008

Archbish. Votes Sharia

Unknown Artist - No Pigs HereNo pork in Britain, hints the Archbishop of Canterbury, well known for his Loony Left view that religious fruitcakes of the world should unite. His welcoming the Islamic takeover of Britain by stating that our acceptance of Sharia law seems "unavoidable" has miffed many Brits, including spokespersons for the main political parties. Even the majority of UK Muslims (60%) reject his daft notion. What person in his or her right mind wants to be judged by a gang of medievil throwbacks of any faith? Clearly Dr Williams has reached his level of incompetence and is unfit to hold office. No doubt the British National Party is rubbing its hands with glee over Rowan's gaff. Imagine gay vicars and unfaithful Muslim wives mincing shoulder to shoulder with jackbooted thugs and pork lovers, united under the banner "Save Our Bacon".


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