Saturday 16 February 2008

Too Rude For TFL!

RA Advert showing Lucas Cranach the Elder's Venus (1532)The Royal Academy of Arts has run afoul of a prude in Transport for London's what-is-an-acceptable-advert department. This poster showing a full-frontal Venus by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1532) - one of the paintings in the RA's forthcoming Cranach exhibition (CLICK) - has been rejected by TFL as too rude! The RA's spokeswoman Jennifer Francis is gobsmacked by this slur on Cranach. She thinks his Venus "innocent". TFL ripostes "We have to take account of the full range of travelers and endeavor not to cause offense in the advertising we display" (sic). Remember that lovely photo of a naked, preggers Britney Spears rejected by Japanese subway moguls in 2006? They relented (CLICK). Will TFL? Will Red Ken throw a wobbler?


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