Monday 12 May 2008

Warning: Violent Image

Rui Matsunaga - Er...Woman Wearing Mickey Mouse Skullcap Being Strangled!I don't know why galleries take the trouble to set up websites if they can't be bothered to update them. The website of I-MYU Projects in London is presenting as "current" a show which finished last month (CLICK). I'm left to assume that I Don’t Speak Very Much - an exhibition of new works by Korean artist Kijune Park and Japanese born artists Rui Matsunaga and Miho Sato - is this month's dip into Asian art ... er ... that's Oriental art to me. What drew my eye on the ArtDaily page was Rui Matsunaga's painting of a woman with bared breast and Mickey Mouse skullcap being strangled! I wonder, could this sexually violent image contravene our new law (CLICK)? Either way, this looks like "art" to avoid.


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