Tuesday 2 August 2011

Monet's Garden

Claude Monet's garden in Giverny, Normandy, famous for its water lilies and Japanese bridge, has a new head gardener: James Priest. He's English, trained at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew and has worked at Giverny for the past 17 years. BBC News has posted an interesting video which shows the garden and an interview with James (title link). If you fancy visiting Giverny, CLICK for its website.


At 30/9/11, Anonymous Reproduction Oil Painting said...

Can't believe that Monet was almost blind when he painted these amazing paintings

At 30/9/11, Blogger Unknown said...

I guess he had enough vision to catch light and shade, and he had the palette he'd been working with for years. But it is amazing how masters can carry on.

Latest I heard of an artist evercoming disability was Ford Madox Brown. He had a stroke that left his right arm paralysed, so he wanted to be let out of his contract to paint Manchester Town Hall, but they wouldn't release him. So he painted the last mural left-handed!


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