Friday 26 July 2013

Banksy Mural Gone!

Another Banksy mural in London has been removed! Yesterday No Ball Games (2009) was cut from the side of a shop at the junction of Tottenham High Road and Philip Lane. The Sincura Group, which auctioned Banksy's Slave Labour amid a storm of protest earlier this year, confirmed that it had been approached by the anonymous vandal to handle the sale of the mural (CLICK). Great Britain is a signatory to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, under which an artist has the right to decide how his art is treated and disposed of (CLICK). Then we have the Artists Resale Right in Europe (CLICK). The Sincura Group - slogan "Your gateway to a VIP life" - and its anonymous vandal seem intent on driving a coach and horses through these rights. We'll have nothing left of Banksy in London if this continues!


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