Thursday 2 October 2014

Clacton Banksy

A new Banksy mural showing a group of pigeons holding anti-immigration banners has been removed following a complaint that the work was "offensive" and "racist". The idiot who made the complaint missed Banksy's point completely. The group of boring pigeons holding placards saying "Migrants Not Welcome", "Go Back To Africa" and "Keep Off Our Worms" represents UKIP while an iridescent bee-eater is the unwanted foreigner. The defection of some Tory nerd to UKIP has triggered a by-election in Clacton-on-Sea. I think it safe to assume Banksy isn't a UKIP supporter. Tendring District Council painted over the mural without knowing it was a Banksy worth thousand of pounds (CLICK). What can you do with such ignorant twerps? Will Nigel Farage buy them a pint?


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