Wednesday 14 May 2008

BBC's Knitting War

BBC - Oods™Meet the Oods™. They're characters in BBC TV's Dr Who™ sci-fi series. The BBC's commercial arm went bananas when it found that a fan had published knitting patterns for Oods™ and Adipose™ on her website. Worse, busy knitters were flogging their work on eBay! "Gor Blimey!" says Aunty. "We gotta put a stop to this or our trademark's screwed." Under heavy pressure from Aunty, Mazzmatazz (the fan's online name) has withdrawn the knitting patterns from her website. But hang on a minute, Aunty. Aren't those knitting patterns her copyright, not yours? Come on, girls: knitters of the world unite!


At 15/5/08, Blogger Barkingside 21 said...

Knitted Daleks vs the BBC

At 15/5/08, Blogger Unknown said...

That's knitted Daleks™, please. I don't want Aunty's heavy mob jumping all over me!


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