Tuesday 13 May 2008

Exit The Londoner

The Londoner, March 2008Ghetto London's new Mayor, Bouncy Boris, has scrapped Red Ken's freebie propaganda sheet The Londoner, which wastes nearly £3m, and has pledged to plant 10,000 new trees with £1m of the money saved. Nice one, Boris. We're long on spin and short on trees. Take the headline on the March edition: CRIME HITS 9-YEAR LOW. Anyone who lives in Ghetto London knows this headline is nonsense, because it's murder and mayhem every time we see the day's news. The truth is that people aren't bothering to report minor crimes, because they know our police can't cope. So it's only when corpses are noticed or we're paddling in blood that anyone calls 999. The murder rate is the tip of the iceberg and trashes police statistics. Publishing propaganda such as this is not only a waste of money, but also an insult to our intelligence. Boris, it would be worth keeping the user-friendly The Londoner website as a what's-on-in-London resource. Just prune the unbelievable tosh.


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