Monday 7 June 2010

Rude Britannia 2

I previewed Rude Britannia: British Comic Art back in March (CLICK). It opens on Wednesday and continues until 5 September. Tickets cost £10 or £8.50 for silver surfers (85%)! The works displayed range from William Hogath's engravings, through Donald McGill’s smutty seaside postcards to present-day comedy sculptures. Above is Gerald Scarfe's view of Margaret Thatcher Ptorydactyl (1989). To the side is Sarah Lucas's Chicken Knickers (1997). Some of the works aren't suitable for kiddies or those of a nervous disposition. The exhibition occupies six rooms:
Room 1 British Comic Art
Room 2 Social Satire and the Grotesque
Room 3 Politics
Room 4 The Bawdy
Room 5 The Worship of Bacchus
Room 6 The Absurd.
Update: CLICK for a BBC News video of the exhibition.


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