Saturday 8 September 2007

Boycott Portugal Update

Madeleine McCann's Eyes (2007)No apology for illustrating this update with another photo of Madeleine McCann's distinctive eyes. She is still missing and no corpse has been found. The news that her parents are "arguido" has generally been reported objectively in Britain and the USA. Only the Daily Mail's gutter journalist David Jones tried to milk this insane development. Ten of his aunties (I assume) have all posted remarks to the effect that he's a fine journalist. My comment to the contrary wasn't published! The following snippet from BBC News is worth noting. "...Portugal-based British journalist Paul Luckman told the BBC that under Portuguese law there is a set sentence for each crime which not even a judge can change. He said it would be simply not possible for the police to make such a deal" (CLICK). So, not only are the Portuguese cops incompetent, but also they are liars! That is unacceptable. The best way to get this message across to the Portuguese authorities is for British holiday makers to boycott Portugal. If you would like to send a message of support to the McCanns, click the title link, which will take you to the Missing Madeleine website.


At 8/9/07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes...because in the US cops NEVER EVER EVER lie to a suspect, or make deals they don't break

Give me a break. Where is Yaiza?..Where is Jeremy?..Where is Abud?...Where is Tania?

All those are missing kids that ALSO dispappeared in the last two months. Anyone heard of them? No Why?....

Maybe because they are not pampered British citizens?..Perhaps because they are a bit "too dark skinned " for the British media.

At 8/9/07, Blogger Unknown said...

Pampered British citizens? You don't know what you're talking about. The life expectancy in some of the black ghettos in Britain is only 25 years!

Pampered middle class maybe, but that's not the point. I don't suppose the parents of Yaiza, Jeremy, Abdul and Tania are being falsely accused of murdering their missing children, in order to get them to shut up and go away and stop embarrassing the clueless Portuguese fuzz.

And while the fuzz are wasting their time on the McCanns, whoever abducted Madeliene remains at large, ready to strike again. How many children will he or she snatch before being caught? Maybe it'll be a working class kid or a black kid next time. Then there won't be any pressure on the fuzz to do anything. Will that make you happy?

Try thinking with your brain and not with your prejudices.


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