Wednesday 7 January 2009

Atheist Bus Campaign

British Humanist Association advert: THERE'S PROBABLY NO GOD. NOW STOP WORRYING AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE. (2008)I previewed the Atheist Bus Campaign in November (CLICK). The first adverts appeared on London's bendy buses yesterday and will spread across the UK. BBC London News covered the launch and in its attempt to sound impartial and inoffensive completely missed the point (CLICK, but beware: Adobe Flash Player 9). Humanists put the welfare of people first, while religious lunatics think the welfare of an imaginary god is more important than people. Here's a perfect example: Vatican spokesman Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran has thanked Muslims for bringing God back into the public sphere in Europe (CLICK)! How did they do this? By suicide bombers, by terrorism, by murder and by mayhem. The deluded cardinal is thanking them for all that, because worshipping his imaginary god is more important than human lives and suffering! Not convinced? Look at the butchery going on in the Holy Land right now. Click the title link to join the British Humanist Association.


At 7/1/09, Blogger Ian Brown said...

I love these ads. After growing up in a religious home, studying theology and hermeneutics, studying church history, and even preaching, nothing was more relaxing that taking a cool dip in the acceptance of a material universe sans deity.

At 7/1/09, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Ian

A convert already!

Did you know that humanity has so far created 2,500 gods? And we get no choice! We're brainwashed into following whatever god our parents were brainwashed into following.

If I were to choose a god, I would go to the local store and select pick-n-mix. Venus would come tops with maybe a touch of Jesus.

At 7/1/09, Blogger Ian Brown said...

For each of those 2,500 represented by a continued following, factor in the divergent theological definitions and there have been many, many more.

I'm partial to Shoki the demon killer myself.

At 7/1/09, Blogger weggis said...

I prefer Mother Nature.

At 7/1/09, Blogger Unknown said...

Now, now, Weggis. Don't be sexist. It could be Father Nature. The Sun God is usually depicted as male.

At 7/1/09, Blogger Unknown said...

You're right, Ian. The Encyclopedia of Gods only counts deities. How many Christian factions are there? And look at Suni and Shiah Muslims blowing one another up in Iraq!

Don't fancy Khali? I hear she has quite a following in New York, but they're only allowed to sacrifice chickens with the Sacred Axe, not people.

At 11/1/09, Blogger Leem said...

2,500 gods? Is that all?

As a confirmed atheist I have to admit I'm not exactly thrilled by the idea of just ceasing to exist some day, but anything (quite literally) is better than burning in hell for eternity. Even nothing.

At 11/1/09, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Leem

2,500 is a conservative figure based on archaeological evidence. It doesn't include Prince Phillip, John Frum and other modern gods of cargo cults.

I'm interested in wildlife, so would definitely prefer Hell to Heaven (no pets and no wildlife except maybe a dove of peace.) Studying demons sounds a lot more interesting than hob-nobbing with angels.


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