Sunday 4 November 2012

Sacha Jafri retro

Believe it or not, this daub Battersea by Moonlight (2006) is by a "critically acclaimed" artist! Sacha Jafri: 1997-2012 Retrospective Collection recently opened at ARTSPACE LONDON and limps along until 20 December (CLICK). It's a preview of his global retrospective tour which starts next year. How anyone who paints so badly ever became "critically acclaimed" is one of the mysteries of the modern art scene. It reminds me that the BBC's Arts Editor Will Gompertz has revealed that a number of senior curators, who wish to remain anonymous, have criticised works by some leading contemporary artists as "bad art", "empty, shiny or over-produced", "not worth looking at". Will comments on the "conspiracy of silence" among senior curators that stifles debate about art (CLICK). No surprise to me. I've been saying this for years. (Note: I must point out that Will's comments have nothing to do with the Sacha Jafri show.)


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