Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Visitors to London's Trafalgar Square will notice a new display, unveiled yesterday evening by Mayor Bouncy Boris and a gaggle of former Olympians: a vision in brushed stainless steel panelling with a giant clock counting down the days to the 2012 Summer Olympiad. One side counts down to the Olympics, the other to the Paralympics. It looks suspiciously like a work of art, but as far as I'm aware no artist has owned up to it. For years BBC London News has bored us with daily reports on Olympic tittle-tattle, trying and failing to whip us all into a frenzy of excitement. I don't think I can stand another 500 days of such relentless monotony. Buy tickets for this jamboree? You'll be lucky if I switch on my TV.
Clock latest: it has stopped!
There's a fine recommendation for the Swiss-based Swatch Group (CLICK). Haw, haw, haw.


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