Thursday 10 March 2011

2011 Census

The 2011 census form was stuffed into my letterbox a few days ago, a pointless exercise in London because half its population doesn't speak English or at least speaks it so badly as to be incomprehensible. That same religious question which first appeared in 2001 is back again, despite producing hugely distorted results. In the last census 390,000 people claimed to be Jedi. May the force be with them. In England and Wales 72% ticked the Christian box (title link). But according to the National Centre for Social Research 51% are non-religious and only 43% are Christian (CLICK). A survey in 2005 by Michigan State University posed the question: Did human beings, as we know them, develop from earlier species of animals? (Evolution v. Creationism.) 73% of Britons voted for Evolution (CLICK). Yet to be a true believer in any of the major religions, you must accept some form of Creationism. Confused? The British Humanism Association is so concerned by these disparities that it has mounted its own campaign for the the 2011 census: If you're not religious, for God's sake say so (CLICK).


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