Saturday, 2 April 2011

Depraved Indifference

So far today rioting Muslim lunatics have killed 10 people in the Afghan city of Kandahar. The death toll from yesterday's riots in Mazar-e Sharif has risen to 14. So, 24 people dead, because a US Christian nutter Pastor Wayne Sapp burned a copy of the Koran in Florida on 20 March, supervised by another US Christian nutter Pastor Terry Jones. Last year Pastor Jones cancelled his proposed Koran-burning, due on the 9th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. He was warned what would happen if he went ahead with his crazy scheme. Despite that warning, he supervised Sapp's recent burning of the Koran after a mock trial. They both knew they would stir up a hornet's nest. This seems to me a perfect example of what US law terms "depraved indifference" (CLICK). The sooner the Florida DA gets his finger out and has those two potty pastors arrested the better. It may not stop Afghan lunatics killing people in the name of Allah, but at least it would show the world that the USA takes those 24 deaths seriously. It might even save a few lives.


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