Sunday 10 April 2011

Man With Butterfly

Doesn't time fly when you're googling? Earlier today I searched for the best photo of Salvador Dalí's Alice in Wonderland I could find. I chanced upon the above statue on The Independent website wrongly labelled Lady Godiva with Butterflies (title link). Clearly it isn't. This statue is obviously male and Dalí's Lady Godiva is an equestrian statue. Having emailed the editor of The Independent, I set about finding the correct name. After an hour and a half I tracked the figure down to Espace Dali Montmatre in Paris (CLICK). It's simply called Man With Butterfly, conceived in 1968, first cast in 1984. The figure is only 55.5cm tall (22 inches), so it would be more accurate to call it a statuette. I'm greatly impressed. I didn't realise Dalí was such a brilliant classic sculptor. Note: The Independent has updated its label.


At 6/3/14, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! Thanks for this information. I searched high and low for the title of this artwork. :-)

At 6/3/14, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Katy

I'm glad you found the answer on my blog. I e-mailed The Independent about its mistake and they did correct it.


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