Who Needs Adsense?
The answer to the above question is Google. It is making a fortune out of its ubiquitous Adsense ads. You'll notice that yesterday Adsense vanished from my blog. The reason is that on Monday I received a snotty email from ID# 1994071 of Adsense accusing me of having "ADULT/PORNOGRAPHY" on my blog and giving me 72 hours to delete it and any other offending material . I am insulted. This is an art blog which often features nudity. In the past 5 years I have posted 4,000 graphics. There is no way I'm wading through that lot to weed out anything that might offend the idiot who insulted me. This blog is a hobby, not a commercial enterprise. So I have deleted Adsense. Google doesn't give you that choice under "Moneytise", but it's simply a matter of removing the Adsense lines of code from your blog template.
The offence is solely in the mind of those who complain - therefore it is impossible to know which particular image pushes their personal prediliction buttons.
Many years ago the David Frost satire on a Mary Whitehouse supporter illustrated such mindsets very nicely. On the subject of tv programme titles it was deemed that the most offensive was - "Blue Peter"[1][2].
[1] a wholesome children's programme named after the signal flag that indicates a ship is about to set sail.
[2] two euphemisms forming a double entendre in the long tradition of British irreverent humour.
Oh nice one. Thank you.
Adsense did point out an example:
How many pornographic pictures have you seen with a Smiley face over the rude bit?
Any nudity is likely to break Adsense contract rules. It would be a hopeless task second-guessing which nude is likely to cause offence. Look at today's Holly.
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