Friday 10 June 2011

Bunny Girls

Toying with the idea of creating an animated GIF of a bunny girl wearing those expressive electronic Japanese ears I featured on Wednesday (CLICK) I trawled the web for a suitable photo. Not a lot. The heyday of the real bunny girl was pre-Internet, but her fame lives on. I found loads of bunny girl costumes for hire and amateur bunnies, from little girls upward, wearing variations on bunny costumes. Feminists, eat your hearts out; bunnies are popular. They seem to have strongly influenced Japanese culture, judging by the many Manga bunnies I found. The elegant Manga statuette above is Haruhi Suzumiya Ryoko Asakura, which will cost you around $500 if you can find one on eBay. Recognize the photo I've inset into the main picture? It's a pre-Blondie Debbie Harry (CLICK). Being a bunny girl didn't do her career any harm. Click the title link to see the original photo.


At 2/7/11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are interested ,arty Bunny Girls to be found on Marisa's

At 2/7/11, Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you. I'll take a look.


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