Tuesday 5 November 2013


Are paedophiles short sighted? This is Sweetie, supposedly a 10-year-old girl from the Philippines. In fact she's a very obvious computer simulation created by Dutch children's rights organisation Terre des Hommes to research and to trap online predators in chat rooms. Many of these men were prepared to pay Sweetie to take her clothes off in front of her web cam (CLICK) A simulation! Have these Dutch researchers found a gap in the market? What does international law say about computer simulations?


At 6/11/13, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a great idea.

At 7/11/13, Blogger Unknown said...

To entrap online predators in chat rooms or to take their money?

At 7/11/13, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To entrap predators.

At 8/11/13, Blogger Unknown said...

Ah. I'm still unsure what law is broken when an online predator chats up a computer simulation.


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