Wednesday 12 October 2011


The handsome Ugandan boy on the left is Allan, taken from a BBC video. The photo on the right, taken by the Jubilee Campaign, is also Allan, showing his terrible scarring. The local witch doctor split open Allan's skull with a machete, castrated him and left him for dead. The boy was in a coma for a month. He has been reunited with his father. Wealthy Ugandans are prepared to pay witch doctors large sums of money to have their projects "blessed" by human sacrifice. Head, hands, feet, genitals, even a whole living child, can be buried on the site of a new building to insure it brings wealth to its owner (title link). Remember the torso of a 5-year-old African boy found in the Thames in 2001? The police called him Adam. His death was considered a ritual murder. Genetics traced him back to south-west Nigeria (CLICK). It's a long way from Nigeria to Uganda, but trafficked children are sold to whomever wants a slave or a sacrifice. Did any rich Ugandan lay the foundations for a new building in London in 2001? CLICK to read part 2 of Chris Rogers' report: Trafficked for Juju. Over the last 4 years, police have rescued 400 African children brought illegally into the UK, some for witch doctors.


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