Tuesday 5 June 2012

Art Forgeries

BBC News Magazine has published an interesting article on art forgeries (CLICK). One of the photos shows convicted forger John Myatt, who now sells "genuine fakes" for up to £45,000. Recognise the painting behind him? It's Anton Mauve's Morning Ride on the Beach (1876) shown above. But am I showing the original or the fake? That's the problem with "genuine fakes". See if you can spot the differences.


At 5/6/12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever did it it's superb. If forgers have such a tremendous talent, then why can't they paint originals and see if anyone wants them? That's true talent like the original artist. Maybe less profit but better.

At 5/6/12, Blogger Unknown said...

The Brit. Anti-art Establishment doesn't recognize talent. It just wants rubbish it can praise, like Tracey Emin. That keeps it one step ahead of the masses, which don't appreciate rubbish. So good artists can't make much of a living. They're considered chocolate boxy. The art market just wants Big Names, like Picasso. Read the article.

At 5/6/12, Anonymous Kris said...

The sculptor John Robinson said that many illegal copies of some of his bronzes of children were being openly sold in the UK. He regretted that the Far East workers were probably paid very little - but he was magnanimous in his appreciation of their workmanship.

His autobiography is a good read - and is online as a series of PDF files.

At 5/6/12, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Kris

Thanks for your comment and the link. China doesn't give a damn about copyright. The best website I've found of works by William-Adolphe Bouguereau shows Chinese hand painted copies. They are superb. And don't forget Weiwei's artificual sunflower seeds. He had millions hand painted. If his workers weren't being paid peanuts, it would have been too expensive. It's one reason I dislike his work: virtually slave labour. And he rakes in the money.


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