Saturday 15 September 2007

Portuguese Pervert Cop?

I.C. - Boycott Portugal (2007) smallIt's been a fast-moving week in the case of Madeleine McCann. Fast, but fruitless. On Monday, even BBC News raised an eyebrow at the obscene haste with which the Portuguese prosecutor tossed the police case against the McCanns into a judge's lap. The steady drip, drip, drip of venomous police leaks to the anti-British Portuguese press continued to fuel speculation about DNA "evidence" in the McCanns' hired car (hired 25 days after their daughter's abduction). It was alleged that the DNA "evidence" was a number of Madeleine's hairs found in the spare-tyre well of the hired car. Knowing that Madeleine had never been in that car, the McCanns asserted that evidence had been "planted" and announced they would commission their own independent forensic tests on the car. Late on Wednesday came news that Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys - the scientists who invented DNA fingerprinting - has offered to be an expert witness on the McCanns' behalf (title link).
For the sake of illumination, let's assume both sides are right: 1) those hairs are Madeleine's and 2) they were planted in the hire car. The only person who has access to Madeleine is the one who abducted her. The person best placed to plant evidence in the hire car while in police custody would be a police officer. Logically one must conclude that the pervert who abducted Madeleine is a Portuguese police officer. Far fetched? Yes. But it is a lot more plausible than the insane case against the McCanns, and it follows a logical path, whereas the police case is as logical as a rabid dog. Most importantly it offers an explanation as to why neither Madeleine nor her abductor has been found: a police officer could steer his colleagues in any direction but the right one. I'm not claiming this to be the case. What I'm pointing out is that DNA "evidence" is neither infallible nor foolproof.
What is crystal clear is that the Portuguese police are clueless, ignorant, incompetent bigots who are in denial that there are home-grown predatory paedophiles working the Algarve in search of prey. Boycott Portugal? You would be mad to risk taking a family holiday there.


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