Monday 9 May 2011

Free Comic Book Day

First the bad news: you missed it. Free Comic Book Day 2011 was on Saturday 7 May. (I only just found out about it myself.) The good news is that this annual event is held on the first Saturday in May and there were 6 participating stores in the London area this year. The idea began in the USA, the home of the comic book, but has spread around the world. Add the title link to your Favourites and make a note in your diary for next year.


At 9/5/11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another such social day.
Write a "80's pc game" competition in Swindon Museum of Computing - Saturday 14th May 2011

At 9/5/11, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the link. I shall pass it on to a friend who still has an old PC running Window 3.1. (One of his collection). He's a programmer too.


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