My local council claims that crime is down and Redbridge is "a better place to live". Oh yeah? Early this morning, police were called to a bus stop in Chapel Road, Ilford, where a young man had been stabbed. The attacker - described as tall, slim, black and aged in his 20's - escaped along Clements Road, home of Central Library and the Redbridge Museum. The victim died in King George Hospital, which is due to close thanks to the insanity of the Redbridge Primary Care Trust and the doctrinaire, couldn't-care-less attitude of Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt. A save-our-hospital petition has gained 20,000 signatures. If you haven't signed it, CLICK. Last week, two people were stabbed in a shop in Ilford Lane at lunchtime, allegedly by Abdul Rashid. One of the victims was taken to King George Hospital. If this hospital is closed, the Council will need to change its slogan to "Redbridge, a better place to die".