Japan is the leper of the world for continuing to hunt whales. Like Britain, Japan is an island nation and relies on the sea for much of its food, but not the whale, guys. If we can't save our largest mammals from extinction, what hope is there for any creature on our planet, including us? The Australian government has come up with a novel way of getting this message across to Japanese youngsters. It has posted a save-the-whale video, subtitled in Japanese, on YouTube, in the hope that Nipponese nippers will say "Yuk, Mom," when whale meat is served to them, and add "We can't eat that, Mom; it's an endangered species; Aussie Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull says so." One might question the morality of feeding propaganda to the children of other nations, but in this instance it seems an idea worth trying. To sign an anti-whaling petition, visit Whales Revenge (CLICK).